

Adults & Teenagers

Life as adults can be full of responsibilities and stressors that can become overwhelming and difficult to handle, affecting our emotional well-being, sense of self-worth, and many times our relationships. 

Similarly, adolescence is a period in our lives marked with many “first experiences” that can soon become overwhelming. Issues around self-esteem, identity, anger and anxiety, are only a few that can arise during these years. Therapy can become a space for both adults and teenagers to explore and improve their emotional, behavioral and relationship functioning. By improving the ways in which you navigate your feelings and interact with others, your personal life and understanding of self will also improve. 

Areas we can be of help to you include:

  • If you’re feeling burnout, depressed and/or anxious

  • If you struggle with expectations (from yourself or others)

  • If you often sacrifice your own needs to please others

  • If you struggle with your sense of self-worth 

  • If you’re experiencing issues with your peers, partner, and/or significant others

  • If you feel lonely and want a safe space to share your feelings


Life in a couple (married or not) can be one of the most rewarding experiences we have through life, or it can also be one of the most challenging, or it can be both! Although talking to a therapist might not be the first option that comes to mind while trying to improve our romantic relationships, couples therapy can definitely be a catalyst to move your relationship from a place of hurting to a place of fulfillment. 

Areas we can be of help to you include:

  • If you’re feeling disconnected from your partner (emotionally, physically and/or sexually)

  • If you’re going through an infidelity from you or your partner

  • If you’re experiencing communicating difficulties (Feeling your partner “just doesn’t get it”)

  • If you’d like to change the patterns of interaction with your partner

  • If you’d like to create an emotional bond with your partner that feels safe and secure.


Although the idea of sharing one’s personal struggles with strangers might not seem appealing at first, support groups can provide a sense of relief to participants by allowing them to hear from others with similar issues. Some of the benefits of engaging in a support group include: to get support and also to offer support to fellow group participants, to learn from others’ experiences, to improve your social skills and to increase your confidence in using your voice. In other words, sharing can be healing. 

Some of the groups we currently offer include:

  • Parenting Support Group

  • Relationship Strengthening- Couples Group

  • Women Support Group

  • Teen Self-Esteem Group

Workshops & Presentations

  • Mental Health 

  • Domestic Violence 

  • Sexual Violence 

  • Healthy Relationships

  • Parenting Skills